Founded in 1997, Cephas Co., Ltd. is one of the few companies offering surveillance equipment, forensic products, security devices and integrated digital imaging systems to both the law enforcement and private sectors in Taiwan. Guided by the motto “Professionalism and Integrity”, we have striven to render the best services since our inception. Besides our own Cephas branded goods, we provide a wide range of products exclusively sold by us through strategic alliances with leading companies in this area to give all aspects services to satisfy the targeted needs of clients.
With ever-increasing numbers of digital seizures and constantly developing technology, digital wireless imaging transmission equipment is essential to e-crime fighting. To keep up the pace of the fast changing world, we introduce the latest digital WCDMA/LTE image transmission systems and devices, accompanied by a broad selection of product training programs to help our clients attain knowledge and make the most of these tools.
In addition, under the impact of global warming, industries in various regions are endeavoring to develop energy-saving and low-carbon emission products with the encouragement from their own governments. Among those products, Light Emitting Diode (LED), an eco-friendly electronic light source with many applications, has become a key player on the worldwide photonics market. Although in Taiwan the semiconductor industry continues blooming, the raw material necessary in the production of LEDs, sapphire substrate, is still of scarcity and needs to be imported from abroad. Starting in the middle of 2007, we have partnered with various teams at home and abroad and in 2008 succeeded in importing sapphire crystal growing technology into Taiwan from Ukraine. Cephas is proud of being the first company to introduce sapphire crystal growing equipment from overseas. Since late 2010, we have further imported X-ray orientation apparatus and flaw detectors from China, hoping this will lead to autonomy in the LED supply chain.
We believe continuous innovation and improvement is the only way companies can achieve a sustainable, competitive advantage. For the past few years, we have been committed to delivering best quality service with the lowest prices. It is our sincere desire that our efforts will win your trust and patronage.